Ultimate Guide to Prevent and Cure Migraine

Little known Fact - the word ‘migraine’ was derived from a Greek word- ‘hemicrania’ which means- ‘half of the head’
Have you ever felt a chronic pain in the head? Particularly sharp pain on one side of the head that comes and goes? Or probably, a headache above the right eye or headache above the left eye? If yes, then you have experienced a migraine headache.
Now, you must be wondering, that a typical headache sounds like a migraine headache, but it isn’t so?
How about we conduct a match? Migraine vs Headache:
1. Migraine- Always accompanied by other symptoms
Headache- May not include other symptoms
2. Migraine- It is a lot more painful than a usual headache
Headache- The pain can vary in frequency and intensity
3. Migraine- Presence of an aura- 10-30 minutes before the migraine attacks you. You experience a weird feeling- feeling less alert, seeing flashing lights, unusual sense of smell, taste or touch, and having trouble thinking.
Headache- There is no such aura.
Migraine headaches are not the exact representations of a typical headache. Migraine headache symptoms include
- One-sided headache- frontal, temporal, or even occipital,
- Nausea,
- Vomiting,
- Hypersensitivity to external impressions like smell, light, and sound,
- Pain in the temples
- Pain behind one eye or ear
- Light-headedness,
- Tingling sensation or numb feeling in the hands or feet, along with
- Visual changes like seeing spots, flashing lights, or temporary loss of vision.
Want to know what causes you to experience this typical headache? Here are the migraine headache causes:
1. Dietary factors
Some people cannot tolerate caffeine, alcohol, chocolate (seriously?), cheese, citrus fruits, and foods containing tyramine like smoked meat and fish and they end up feeling the dreaded half head pain.
2. Emotional factors
These three triggers (stress, anxiety, and depression) can cause most of the diseases in the world including chronic migraine, it’s best to live without them, or miles away from them, even their shadows cannot be trusted!
3. Hormonal factors
Menstruation marks an incarnation period for some women. It makes women transform into dangerous beings (not literally, of course!). Migraines too can affect women during menstruation (I could hear you shouting Why, God, why? Wasn’t the menstrual pain enough?)
4. Physical factors
Some triggers like poor posture, shoulder or neck pain, physical overexertion, tiredness, and insufficient sleep can cause the right temple headache or left temple headache.
5. Environmental factors
Factors like strong smells, loud noises, and flickering screens can cause you to feel mild headaches to severe headaches.
6. Medicinal factors
Women undergoing HRT (Hormonal Replacement Therapy) and those who consume combined contraceptive pills may experience a frequent headache. Also, those who succumb and get hell-bent used to sleeping pills.
If I were in your place, I would have come up with these FAQs:
1. Is migraine headache dangerous?
It is not really dangerous, but if some people have an aura, then they may suffer from a stroke.
2. Is migraine headache curable?
Migraine headache is not curable but unquestionably preventable. There are some herbal remedies for migraine headache, for those of you who believe in natural therapy.
3. Is migraine headache genetic?
Yes, it is in your genes. If either of your parents has it, then you may have it too (nearly 80-90% chances).
4. Where does a migraine headache start? OR how does migraine affect human health?
For some, it is the aura that commences before the migraine attack. Then, once it is fully progressed, you experience dull pain above your eyes, may then affect one side of the head, and then move to the other side. The dull pain then progresses to a throbbing type. If you are doing some physical activity like walking or running or exercising, or when you lean forwards, then it may become worsened. In the end, there is extreme tiredness, confusion, and sluggishness.
5. How to avoid migraine headaches?
Just avoid the triggering factors!
6. What can you eat during a migraine?
A small recent study has shown that ginger can ease migraine pain.
If you are a tea lover or coffee lover like me, then you know that there is no better headache remedy food than these!
Natural Remedies For Migraine Headache
1. Soothe migraine pain with a cold compress/ hot compress, whichever suits you best
2. Catch up on sleep as much as you can because prevention is better than cure, and there is no better treatment than sleep for some people
3. Aromatic therapy like the application of lavender oil, peppermint oil has been shown to reduce pain
4. Try taking up vitamin B supplements
5. Dim the lights in your surrounding- it can prove to be the best thing for migraine relief
6. Try massaging your temples and neck, probably the only migraine treatment at home you can get for free!
7. Yoga, meditation, hydration, and muscle relaxation are all bigshot folktales, you never might have tried, but you should if you want to get rid of migraine! They are all best friends and they come under alternative migration prevention.
8. Ayurvedic medicine for migraines includes Narikel Lavan, Sutshekhar Rasa, Sitopaladi Churna, Rason Vati, and Godanti Mishran. Greek and Latin for you, probably, but definitely beneficial for your migraine headache treatment.
9. Herbal remedies for migraine headaches include valerian, coriander seeds, willow, butterbur, feverfew, and Dong Quai. Again, did it sound Greek and Latin to you? Well, they are proven herbs for headaches.
How to cure migraine permanently?
Follow the above discussed steps! And, live a migraine-free life!
In case you are a tea-lover, again, like me, and you believe in natural therapy, then Herbal Masala Chai manufactured by Yethai Tea is the best. Buy this best tea online from
This Tea is blended with rich herbs which can prevent and cure migraine headaches if taken regularly.